Step up!

Posted: May 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

It seems like every night when you turn on the news, another natural disaster devastated more people. Kansas City and Oklahoma got hit with a twister that killed, as of right now, 14 people. Sunday Joplin, Missouri was hit as well. It’s easy to sit back, especially up here in upstate New York, and think to yourself “what is going on with the world?” Or if you’re a Christian, it’s easy to look at this and ask “God what are You doing?”

But then here’s the thing we miss. That selective hearing kicks in and God wants to know “What are YOU doing?” It’s so sad to watch the news and see people talking about how now they’re left with nothing. Families left without a home and the basic necessities in order to survive even just one day.

I think now’s the time, now more than ever, for we the body of Christ to unite and come together to help those in need and who are hurting. Isaiah 1:17 says: Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. I don’t what it is, but that verse has just been in my spirit lately. We need to move into action.

I think one of the main problems is that we use our location as an excuse. The tornado in Georgia for example. Well, I’m in New York and when I heard about people helping out the families, I told myself there was nothing I could personally do except pray for them. Praying’s amazing, but there’s more that we who aren’t close to these people can do.

Sunday God again put it on my heart to do something more than pray.

It doesn’t cost a lot to go buy toilet paper, napkins, batteries, flashlights, donate a few old blankets you don’t even use anymore, clothes you out grew but someone else can fit into, socks, tooth paste, buy a few cans of food, etc.

Just something that’s been on my heart. There’s always some way you can serve those in need. Always

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